The Knights of Columbus began in 1882, when Father Michael J. McGivney and a small group of pioneering Catholics founded a society designed to provide much needed security for widows and orphans of Catholic parishioners. The Knights are dedicated to promoting the concepts of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
Today there are more than 1.5 million members in over 14,000 local Councils in the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Panama, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Bahamas and Poland. Our members belong to many races, joined together through our common bond of faith.
Our motto is “In service to One. In service to all.” In 2011 the Knights of Columbus donated more than $154 million to charitable needs and projects. At the same time the Knights volunteered more than 70 million hours of time in the service of charitable and needy causes. The K of C, as it is so often called is guided by four principles or degree levels: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
The Knights stand for a world of good things: Church, Family, Community, Youth...and K of C low-cost insurance meets many of the financial needs of members and their families. The Knights' many programs and projects make a difference in every community.
Visit our KNIGHTS IN ACTION page, to see examples of these principles demonstrated by Brother Knights in our Council.
With fundraisers, such as a Pancake Breakfast, we support a number of local charities. Our Council annually donates between $1,500 to $2,000 to Sumter County Special Olympics of Florida and $300.00 to our parish’s “Friendship Club”, a group of adults with intellectual disabilities. We support also the local youth by sponsoring a Basketball Free Throw contest annually.
Many of our Brother Knights volunteer their services in the St. Vincent de Paul’s Soup Kitchen and The Food Pantry in Wildwood. We also donate over $2000 to $3000 annually to each of these two organizations that provide for the needy in our community. We also support Hands of Mercy Everywhere, Inc. a Christian home for Teenage Mothers, in Belleview with a donation of over $1,000 and more than $6,000 in donated diapers and clothing. We also provide support for Tutors for Kids, St Pauls School, Combat Veterans to Careers, Wheelchairs for VA Clinic, Coats for Kids at Wildwood Elementary and Fruitland Park Elementary Schools. Last Year we donated $5000 toward an Ultrasound Machine that was installed at the Women's Pregnancy Center, Ocala, FL.
Visit our CONTACT Us page about transferring or joining your local K of C Council in St Vincent de Paul parish.